This is for every person who is fed up with the information overload, complicated diets, and extreme exercise programs. Our intention is to get you some amazing results and give you a great experience, so much so, that we hope you stay and spread the word. But you're not obligated to by any stretch. *spoiler* most people love our program so much they stick around to witness their transformation in a few short months- you've been warned ;-)
Once you book your first class, myself or one of our coaches will reach out to you to welcome you to our facility to go over everything you need to get started, and answer any questions you may have. When you arrive to class we'll go over your specific goals and needs in order to better understand and customize your experience at UDAR. We will show you your spot, give you your gloves, explain what will happen, and make sure you're comfortable before that first bell rings. Every month, roughly 40 people join our program so there's always someone new in every class! Which means this is going to be a fun ride and you're going to fit right in.